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Princess Rian and the Frog Prince (Valentine's Day 2005)

(Created on February 14, 2005)

(Starring Rian Joy, Daddy, Cole Vincent, and Bryson Vincent as the Frog)


Well Super Bowl is over and I have been working hard all week to bring you an exciting Fairy Tale of LOVE.


It all started earlier this week when I got my first Valentine's Day Card!


It was from my Great Grandpa Cronk!  Sorry Boys, he beat you to the punch! He is my Very First Valentine! And besides...he knows what a girl wants!


So travel BACK in time as I begin my Valentine's Adventure in... "Princess Rian and the Frog Prince!"


There once lived a beautiful Princess in a land far far away.  She had an enormous Castle all to herself.


She was a very sad little Princess because she did not have a Prince to share her castle with. She was very Lonely!


So one day she hopped on her horse and ran away to find her Prince Charming!


Along her way she came became very thirsty and stopped at a wishing-well!


She had a wonderful idea! She didn't have to look for her Prince any longer, she would  wish for him. So she pulled out the one thing that she had always cherished, her mother's wedding ring!


She made her big wish and tossed her ring deep into the well!


Immediately a Frog appeared before her!


Princess Rian was upset because she distinctly remembered wishing for a PRINCE not a FROG!  She demanded that the Frog retrieve her ring at once!


He said, "Your wish is my command. But in return you must give me a kiss."


Rian did not want to Kiss a FROG but to get her mother's wedding ring back she would do anything!


The Frog jumped into the well and returned with the ring.


So Princess Rian Kissed the Frog as she had promised. The Frog Prince screamed with delight!


 Before any words were said, in a blink of an eye, the Frog was transformed into Handsome Prince Cole!


Prince Cole knew a good thing when he saw it and quickly asked Princess Rian to be his Bride!


Princess Rian said "Yes!" They rode off into the Sunset and...


 Lived Happily Ever After!

A special thanks to Frog Bryson and Prince Cole.

I hope you all have a Fairy Tale Valentine's Day and I love you all!


Coming March 17th from


"rian's four leaf clover"

if you're not wearing green, this little pincher will be let loose!!!

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