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Thanksgiving 2004

(Created on November 25, 2005)

(Starring Rian Joy, Mommy, and Rian's Stuffed Animals)


When we last left Rian Joy…..



She had finally discovered the benefits of wearing that ridiculous outfit!




But Grandma and Grandpa I have another exciting story to tell you.




This story involves Family, Friends, Turkey’s, Danger, and lots of food!!  So travel with me back in time friends……….




Hello, My name is Pilgrim Rian Joy and I would love to tell you the story of the very 1st Thanksgiving Dinner!!!





When we Pilgrims first got to America we did not know what to do!  But we stuck together and decided to make the best of it.




To the north we heard a noise we all became scared of what it could be. But we were tough and decided to stick together.




When I looked up on the mountain, there were a small group of Indians who looked fierce. But I greeted them with a smile.




I asked them to come down so that we could become friends, because we were so lonely in this new world.




When they came down off of the mountain, I realized I did not speak their language. So I offered a sign of peace, raised my left hand and said “HOW!”




My technique worked and the Indians wanted to become our friends.  In fact, they……




Made me an honorary member of their tribe and dubbed me with the name ‘She who Poops in Pants’




I thought of a wonderful idea, and asked the Natives if we could have a feast. Not just any feast, but a THANKSGIVING FEAST where we can celebrate our new friendship.




My new friends thought it was a great idea. So we grabbed our hunting spears and bows and arrows and set off to find the perfect meal for a THANKSGIVING FEAST.




We were not hunting very long when a group of Turkeys ran right by me and my new friends. This was a great opportunity to get a meal for our THANKSGIVING FEAST.




For a little lesson on Turkey’s, some turkeys are too small.




And some Turkey’s are just too big…….(NOW BACK TO THE STORY)




I borrowed Brown Bears bow and arrow and shot a Turkey on my first try. Admit it everyone I AM GOOOOOOD!!!




After the kill, we pulled out all of the feathers and prepared for our feast.  Boy, were we hungry!!!




We baked the Turkey, and thus the first THANKSGIVING FEAST was held.




Well I hope you enjoyed my story! This little Pilgrim is ready for a nap. I am thankful for all of my Grandma’s, Grandpa’s, Cousin’s, Auntie’s, Uncle’s, Mommy, Daddy, and my doggies. I Love You all.









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