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Spring Fling 2005

(Created April 10, 2005)

(Starring Rian Joy, Daddy, Mommy, and the animals of the Oklahoma City Zoo)


Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

I have been pretty sad lately.  I never got to St. Patrick's Day Story and I have been cooped up in this house all winter!  A girl has needs I have to get out of here!


I learned about doors recently and I was searching for a door that would lead to the great unknown, OUTSIDE!


See I have been in here for so long I have gotten Cabin Fever and I began to go a little CRAZY! Alright maybe a lot crazy!


But then I had a great idea! I could ask my Mommy if I could go outside and I always get my way!


The very next day I went to our back door!


I saw my Daddy working very hard! I asked Mommy if he might need some help!


And my master plan worked I made it outside, but then Daddy put me to work! I didn't care because it felt wonderful to be out of the house!


As it turned out I was pretty good at mowing the lawn! SO me and Daddy finished the job!


I didn't want to go inside so I found more chores to do outside! I found some plants in desperate need of watering! So I did that as well!


After doing all of the yard work, I wanted to have some fun so I grabbed my gear and went searching for bugs!


I am still a little to slow to catch those little bugs, but I am getting faster everyday!  It didn't matter because I was still outside!


Daddy had talked about a game called golf, so I decided to give it a try!


I looked down the fairway, selected the right club, and found the green!  Grandpa I thought I would impress you by teeing off from the blue tee box!


I reached back and swung my club!


And away my ball went, as I watched it fly away I could only hope that it would be a good shot!


I can't believe it, my first game of golf and I almost got a hole in one!


I liked golf, I will just putt this one in and get on with the story!


I asked Daddy if there were any more outside activities we could do?  He told me that when I was older he would take me fishing at my Grandpa Harv's House!  But Daddy still gave me a lesson so that I would be ready!


We baited the hook and threw it in the water!


And before long I caught a whopper! I can't wait to try this out at Grandpa Harv's!


I wanted to go back outside, and Mommy planned a big day at the zoo.  I was scared I did not know what to expect, I did not know what a zoo was!


Mommy told me it had animals. ANIMALS lets go then what are we waiting for?


I got to looking at animals right away!


I saw elephants,


and rhinos,


and bears,


and geese,


and monkeys,


and Daddy went to this one place where we fed the birds!


I really liked the birds but my favorite part was....


The sea lions and.....


an aquarium that puts Daddy's to shame!


Well, I sure had fun doing all of these outside activities!


And just like this Carousel I will be back real soon! Because I turn 1 Year Old next week! Ta Ta for now, I LOVE YOU! Rian!

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