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Old McRian on a Farm 2005

(Created June 10, 2005)

(Starring Rian Joy, Mommy, Daddy, Cousin Mesa, Cousin Levi, and Uncle Bart as the dastardly Black Bart)


Dear Grandma and Grandpa,


Recently I went on a big adventure to the Country! And I could not wait to get there!


I'm Old McRian and I want to tell you all about it.  So come on partner, lets saddle up!


I got to spend an entire day on a Farm!  Look at this cool Rabbit!


This reminds me of a song.  So everybody clap and sing along!

"Old McRian had a Farm! E-I-E-I-O!"


"And on her farm she had a Chicken, E-I-E-I-O!"


"With a Cluck, Cluck Here, and Cluck, Cluck There!"


"Here a Cluck, There a Cluck, Everywhere a Cluck, Cluck! Old McRian had a Chicken!  E-I-E-I-O!"


Let's do another verse! "Old Mc Rian had a Farm! E-I-E-I-O!"


"And on her farm she had a Cow! E-I-E-I-O!"


"With a Moo, Moo Here, and a Moo, Moo There!"


"Here a Moo, There a Moo, Everywhere a Moo, Moo! Old McRian had a Cow!    E-I-E-I-O!"


Last verse! "Old McRian had a Farm! E-I-E-I-O!"


"And on her Farm she had Horse! E-I-E-I-O!"


"With a Neigh, Neigh Here, and a Neigh, Neigh There!"


"Here a Neigh, There a Neigh, Everywhere a Neigh, Neigh! Old McRian had a Horse! E-I-E-I-O!"


That song was fun, and so was watching these little piggies race!


After the race they were hungry so Daddy and me fed them some food!


After that Daddy and me went to feed the Goats! They were not very nice.  They kept butting in and pushing each other around.


So I got down to their level and had a little talk with them!


They understood and asked if I could play with the newest addition to their family.  I agreed because I thought it would be good Big Sister practice!


Finally, I spent a little time with the sheep and they were very nice (and soft too!)


After visiting all of the animals I was exhausted and needed to kick up my boots and relax!  It took a little finagling, but I convinced Mommy to let me ride this train all by myself!


Grandma see if you can find me on this train!


I am right here in the Yellow Barrel!  The one with the Donkey on the side!


Grandma and Grandpa this next part of the story gets kinda scary.  So you might want to find someone to hold on to.  See Deputy Levi, Cousin Mesa, and me were just hangin' out in the OK Corral (Old Krautschun Corral) one day!


Deputy Levi told Mesa and me to beware because the dastardly Black Bart had been seen in these here parts!  Mesa and me were scared, but Deputy Levi assured us he would protect us!


A little later, Deputy Levi took a little nap.  Something was wrong.  I could feel trouble brewing!


Just then Black Bart appeared and snatched up Mesa and me!  We screamed, "Levi, Levi save us!"


Deputy Levi hopped up and fired at Black Bart, but it was too late he had already taken Mesa and me.


Black Bart tied us up!  I asked Mesa if she had a plan!


Neither of us did, so we cried out for help!


Shortly thereafter, Black Bart left and Deputy Levi sprang into action and took the rope off of Mesa and me!


Deputy Levi comforted us and assured that we were unharmed!


He pulled us in close and we waited.  Deputy Levi said he was going to give Black Bart a taste of his own medicine!  And nobody messes with his girls and gets away with it!


Just then Black Bart appeared and Deputy Levi quickly took the rope and lassoed that no good cowpoke!


And just so Black Bart would never forget this lesson, Deputy Levi took his sidearm and made Black Bart dance!


Well, this sure was fun playing out in the Country!  And we were sure lucky that my Cousin Levi was here to protect my Cousin Mesa and me.  I love you all.  And ya'll come back now ya hear!

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