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The Name Game 2 - 2010

(Created 28 March 2010)

(Starring The Famous Explorers Rian and Noah)


Dear Gram Gram and Pop Pop,


Once upon a time, there were 2 brave Explorers who went on a dangerous expedition to the dangerous land of letters.

They looked all over on their adventure.

And it wasn't long until they spotted their treasure.

There were letters everywhere they looked. Ts, Ls, Zs, As....

In fact they found the entire alphabet.

They were so excited. The explorers had done it.

Rian had a good idea. She thought if they got just the right letters they could help Mommy and Daddy name their new baby!

Rian came up with "Ariel"! But soon learned it would not be a baby girl...


So that being said Rian's first reaction to a baby brother was to name it "Meanie," apparently the little brother she already had isn't so nice all the time.

Noah thought really hard...

And he came up with a name that stuck for a while, "Learny" and to be honest it might be the little guys nickname forever.


Not sure how much we wanted to roll with Noah's be fair he did go through a phase where he wanted to name the little guy "Mickey Mouse Club House!"

The Explorers could not agree (nothing new really!)

Then the letters started to come together...."Girl Said Nail" but there were still an I H and E not used. This did not make sense!



On second thought what about this..."Hills Read Gain" but with 2 I's left over...and he might get made fun of in school with a name like that.


But finally it all came together (and Daddy and Mommy finally agreed)....Now we have to see how well you have been paying attention. Our new bundle of joy's name is written above.

The 2 explorers were elated with excitement and could not wait for Isaiah Dillinger Gibson to arrive.

Hope you liked our story....We love you!



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