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Valentine's Day 2006

The Girl Who Didn't Know How to Love!

(Created February 14, 2006)

(Starring Rian Joy, Noah, Mommy, and Daddy)



Dear Grandma and Grandpa,


Well, I helped Rian make a story last Christmas and I thought it was due time I took a shot at it.  But Before you continue, I feel I must warn you.  There are images in this story you may never want to see again.


Once upon a time there was girl who did not know how to love.....


No matter how hard she tried.  She just wasn't good at loving.


I suggested to Sissy that she should go out looking for love.  And I told her not to look in all the wrong places. So she set out on a journey to find true love.




Along the way she ran into Cupid.  But not the cute cuddly Cupid.  This was a fat, over 30 Cupid who was years beyond his prime.


This Cupid could not hit the broad side of the barn.


This Cupid was useless as he went frolicking around missing every opportunity to help Rian find true love. (Obviously, this man will do anything for his kids)


Rian was so sad.  She still didn't know how to love and this Cupid was stupid!


It wasn't too long before she ran into a cute and cuddly Cupid.  This Cupid look like he was all that and a bag of chips!


Rian thought after her last experience she should test this Cupid just to see how accurate he could be!  He was good!


In fact he told Rian he could hit her whenever he wanted!


Here's the proof look at the outline of my big head Grandma.  Then Cupid took three more shots...


...and presto Rian knew how to love all of the sudden.  She loved her Daddy!


She loved her Mommy!


And even Mommy and Daddy were smitten by the power of this cute, cuddly Cupid.


Rian even learned to love her brother!


Well, I hope you enjoyed our Valentine's Story, and sorry about those images of Daddy (we hope you can still sleep at night).


Well, I hope you liked the first story I wrote.  I am so tired I think I am going to get a nap.  Our next story will be at Easter and I am so excited because Rian tells me there is a bunny that poops colored eggs.  I can't wait!  See ya soon!

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