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Thanksgiving 2005

Rian on Being Thankful!

(Created November 24, 2005)

(Starring Rian Joy, Mommy, and Daddy)



Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

Now that Halloween is over, Daddy said he had something fun lined up for us!


The problem was fun for Daddy was work for me!


And it was a lot of work.


Once we finished raking all of the leaves Daddy finally explained the fun part.  So I ran across the yard to hear all about it.


We jumped into the leaves and were super cute together.


Then Daddy said we could work on making a mess again (I am super good at messes)!


Daddy and I started throwing the leaves all over the lawn.


It was a blast.  Grandma are you up for a challenge?  Try finding me in this next picture!


Where am I Grandma?  Look really closely at the center of the picture.


Eventually, we had to put the leaves in the street for the Street Vacuum to suck up!


But Daddy let me play in the leaves one last time before we had to go.


Me and Daddy sure had a blast on that Fall day.  But Daddy explained something very important to me that day also.  This would be my last story by myself.  I did not want to seem selfish.  So what a better holiday, than Thanksgiving to to say thanks to some important people.


Thanks Christian and Jordan, maybe you can help me and Noah with a story next year.


I have only gotten the chance to work with Levi and Mesa once, but now they have Lane and I will have Noah. Levi call me and we will work out the details!


I would be crazy if I didn't thank my Mommy for always being there for me!


And of course Daddy for buying into all of my crazy story ideas!


Finally, I want to thank you Grandma and Grandpa.  Because You are the reason this website exist.  I love you and I hope you find something to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day!






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